Thursday, July 23, 2009

An Infinite God

We usually look at the word infinite and think of something eternal, something that has no end, something that just keeps going beyond all time and space. While this is a correct definition, it only deals with the concept of time. God does exist beyond all time and space, He is boundless and eternal with no end, but what if we expanded the meaning of infinite to include character, personality, virtue, strength, and reason?

Not only is God infinite in reference to time, but also in His entire Person. His love is infinite, His justice is infinite, and His mercy is infinite.

"And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man..." Romans 1:23

Even we as Christians are guilty of this. How often do we look at God and try to understand Him by looking through the glasses of our humanity? No human can be 100% just and 100% merciful at the same time. We may express each of these qualities, but none of us can express them to their fullest capacity, and both simultaneously. We are limited in this, but God is not.

I have noticed, that because we tend to limit God by understanding Him with our finite minds, we tend to latch on to one aspect of God and ignore the others, simply because we cannot reconcile in our minds that God can infinitely be all of them. Some latch onto God as holy and righteous Judge, or as the Father who blesses when He is obeyed and punishes when disobeyed. The thing is, God is infinitely both of them. Another aspect of God that tends to be downplayed in the circles I've been in, is God as Husband and Bridegroom.

This is the aspect of God that loves us with an everlasting love, the God that would lay down His life and die for us. Since getting engaged, marriage is one of those things that has been on my mind, and God has used it to better clarify to me the mystery of Christ and the Church. A husband finds pleasure in his wife, even if she burns dinner or spends a little too much on a pair of shoes. She is the desire of his heart, the one he is passionate about, the one he desires to protect from all harm. A whole book of the Bible was dedicated to the love between a husband and wife. Imagine God feeling toward you as Solomon felt toward his bride.

God is simultaneously 100% all of these. There is no division into parts. An infinite God has no bounderies placed on His nature; There is no dividing line where His mercy ends and His justice begins. They are infinite and boundless; they simultaneously work together 100% of the the time.

If God is love (which He is; 1 Jn. 4:8), and God loves every one of His children, do I have to share the love He loves me with, with every other believer? Is His love divided?

"An infinite God can give all of Himself to each of His children. He does not distribute Himself that each may have a part, but to each He gives all of Himself as fully as if there were no others." ~A. W. Tozer

The answer to both of my questions: no. When you divide a number by infinity, you get infinity. In the same way, when you divide God's love by infinity, you get infinite love that knows no bounderies and no limits.

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